Monday, April 30, 2012

The Mermaid’s Mirror by by L. K. Madigan.  Published by Houghton Mifflin, 2011

Lena loves the ocean.  She spends hours walking up and down the beach.  An excellent swimmer, Lena longs to learn to surf.  But after her father nearly drowned several years ago, he has forbidden her to surf.

Lena is turning 16 and has decided what she wants to do- surf!  She has friends who have said they will help her and even loan her the necessary equipment.  Lena feels drawn to the water by a powerful force.  Can she believe her eyes when she sees a woman with a silver tail?

Lena’s father is behaving strangely.  Her mother disappeared (or left) years ago and she left behind a void in the lives of Lena and her father.  Lena is taking dangerous risks in her quest to surf and she knows her father will be furious with her when he finds out. 

This unusual book is a combination of realism, magic, mystery and even romance that will appeal to many teens.  Recommended for grades 8 and up.

Visit L. K. Madigan's website.  

Friday, April 27, 2012

Silence of Murder

The Silence of Murder by Dandi Daley Mackall.  Published by Alfred A. Knopf, 2011

Hope loves her brother, Jeremy.  She knows he is a little different- he hasn’t spoken in twelve years.  He collects empty jars and keeps them all over his room.  He seems to understand what’s going on around him sometimes, but other times completely tunes things out.  He’s really important to Hope, who tries to help him.

Her family life isn’t exactly normal.  Her alcoholic mother can be quite cruel and doesn’t take care of Hope or Jeremy.  She comes home from work and drinks herself into a stupor (on a good day).  Controlling her temper isn’t a priority, so Hope has learned to avoid her mother as much as possible.

The police come to the house and arrest Jeremy.  He’s a suspect in the baseball coach’s murder.  Hope doesn’t believe he would hurt anyone, but there is quite a bit of evidence against him and Jeremy can’t help defend himself.  Who can Hope turn to for help?  She gets some assistance from unexpected new friends.  But she isn’t sure she can trust them.

This murder mystery has numerous twists and unexpected plot developments.  Recommended for grades 9 and up.

Visit Dandi Daley Mackall's website